California Traffic School

Got a California Traffic Ticket?
If you receive a traffic ticket in California, in most cases, you can take a traffic school course to have the ticket points masked and avoid possible auto insurance hikes.
Attend California Online Traffic School
Lowest Price Traffic School has partnered with, a leader in California traffic safety and defensive driving courses, to offer discount pricing on California traffic school courses. (read more)
This Traffic School Course is approved by the California DMV to fulfill the traffic school requirement for masking points from a traffic ticket. If you have received a ticket and have not taken this course in the past 18 months - this course satisfies your traffic school requirement throughout all of California.
This Traffic School Course is approved by the California DMV to fulfill the traffic school requirement for masking points from a traffic ticket. If you have received a ticket and have not taken this course in the past 18 months - this course satisfies your traffic school requirement throughout all of California.
Protect Your Driving Record!
- Stop your insurance rates from being increased
- Mask points from showing up on your public driving record
California Online Traffic School FAQ
Is this course approved?
Yes. This course is approved Yes. This course is approved by the California Department of Motor Vehicles. If you would like more information about specific approval or regulations, you will need to contact your district court. Use the California Courts Information Guide for quick access to contact information.
Do I have to take the course all at once?
No. Since you're taking this course online in the privacy and comfort of your home or office, you can break it up and complete it at your convenience. With unlimited log-ins, the choice is yours!
Do I need to be computer savvy?
Not at all. The course is simple to use and no computer experience needed. And just in case, you'll have access to free live customer service if you need it.
Do I have to start right now?
It's up to you. Start the class immediately after signing up or sign up now and start later!
When will I get my Traffic School Certificate?
Your certificate of completion will be processed within three business days from when you complete the course online or when your workbook test is received & graded. We will send your certificate to you via regular mail - it is your responsibility to send your certificate to the court. If your due date is soon approaching, we offer FedEx mailing services for your certificate for an additional charge. You may request this option when you pay for your course.
What if I fail the final exam?
Although unlikely, you can retake the final exam a 2nd time without any additional fees. The CA DMV will only allow traffic school students to attempt the final exam twice. However, the section quizzes may be taken as many times as you need to pass.
What does "powered by" mean?
Lowest Price Traffic School has partnered with, a leader in California traffic safety and defensive driving courses, to offer discount pricing on California traffic school and driver education courses. Get exclusive discounts by going through to register for's California driver training coursework.
Once your registration is successful, you will log in to the California Traffic School program. If you have questions about login information, technical concerns or problems with billing, please contact here or call 1-800-691-5014.
Read our full FAQ